"Beautiful Weeds" centers around inner conflict we face by overthinking, hating ourselves, thinking others close to us truly hate us, and the feeling of not belonging. Oftentimes, we are our own worst critic. We fall into ruts of darkness, depression, sadness, and fear that leave our minds in an uncomfortable frenzy. Are we good enough for others? Do we even belong here? These are the negative thoughts, or the "weeds" we try to rip out of us, to make them go away, not realizing that these weeds can blossom into beautiful flowers, teaching us lessons that bring about wisdom, allowing us to discover parts of ourselves both ugly and wonderful.
as an 8x8 paperback zine
Dedicated to honoring your feelings no matter how uncomfortable, giving yourself grace, and being deeply aware and trusting of the fact that there are many people in this life who love and cherish you. We are our own worst critics.
Don't rip out the beautiful weeds, just look at them from a different perspective. Water them like a garden, and let your emotions be respected, then lovingly released.
Explore more than half of the 20–-page zine here for free:
Issue 11 | Fugly Horse Magazine | Beautiful Weeds
Copyright by brynnley, Brynn Bunker, 2023. If you steal any of this and claim it as yours, I will hex you.