You limit yourself to the confines of pain because it is the thing you know most, and are most comfortable with – even though you may never admit it. Why would you want to invite pain? You get your heart broken, and you're sobbing, talking to your friends about how much you want them back, and your heart hurts. You say to me now, why the FUCK would I then be inviting more pain into my life? I don't want that shit! I don't want to feel how I felt when I got my heart ripped out; but don't you, though? I did. We may all suffer from the same or similar tendencies of self-sabotage that are normal to humans who have not yet learned how to receive. You place yourself back into your box, and the pain repeats whether you want it to or not – artists lean into the pain, other humans may as well, but that's the part where we may differentiate more. Artists lean into the pain – we say, this shitty thing happened, and yet, I wrote 20 poems. However, when I saw this gorgeous flower, only 1 poem was written. Pain often inspires more than love, or so it seems, so it appears to be if that's how you continue to let yourself learn it. But that's how you get yourself stuck in the pain loop. To break it is to love, and to receive it.
as an 8x8 paperback zine
Prose, poetry, and art created and inspired by pain, breaking cycles, and transformation into a greater, more peaceful, loving life.
Issue 3 | Fugly Horse Magazine | Metamorphosis
Copyright by brynnley, Brynn Bunker, 2023. If you steal any of this and claim it as yours, I will hex you.